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ISBN: 0765376733 (ISBN13: 9780765376732)
Edition Language: English
Series: After #3
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The Final Day (After #3) Hardcover | Pages: 348 pages
Rating: 4.1 | 6661 Users | 566 Reviews

Rendition As Books The Final Day (After #3)

The highly-anticipated follow-up to William R. Forstchen’s New York Times bestsellers, One Second After and One Year After, The Final Day immerses readers once more in the story of our nation’s struggle to rebuild itself after an electromagnetic pulse wipes out all electricity and plunges the country into darkness, starvation, and terror.

After defeating the designs of the alleged federal government, John Matherson and his community have returned their attention to restoring the technologies and social order that existed prior to the EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) attack. Then the government announces that it’s ceding large portions of the country to China and Mexico. The Constitution is no longer in effect, and what’s left of the U.S. Army has been deployed to suppress rebellion in the remaining states.

The man sent to confront John is General Bob Scales, John’s old commanding officer and closest friend from prewar days. Will General Scales follow orders, or might he be the crucial turning point in the quest for an America that is again united? As the dubious Federal government increasingly curtails liberty and trades away sovereignty, it might just get exactly what it fears: revolution.

Describe About Books The Final Day (After #3)

Title:The Final Day (After #3)
Author:William R. Forstchen
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 348 pages
Published:January 3rd 2017 by Forge Books
Categories:Fiction. Science Fiction. Apocalyptic. Post Apocalyptic. Dystopia. Audiobook

Rating About Books The Final Day (After #3)
Ratings: 4.1 From 6661 Users | 566 Reviews

Assessment About Books The Final Day (After #3)
Wow!!! Excellent trilogy and excellent finish to the story. Looking forward to some more Forstchen reads.

A great ending to the trilogy. Probably an accurate portrayal of an EMP event when it happens here.

I just couldn't get into it like I did book 1.

If you didnt know the author was a professor of history, you would find it out fast in the first few pages. The author uses history to make comparisons, to establish concepts, and to make a point. Those that love history will immediately be drawn into the thousands of references scattered throughout the book.But even if you do not like history, you will find this a fascinating read. As you struggle along with the main characters in the book to eke out sustenance for survival against

Really enjoyed this whole series!

I did not have high hopes for this book. But I was wrongthis is an outstanding book. Its way better than the middle book of the trilogy (One Year After), which was overly talky and seemed like filler. Sure, its not as awesome as Fortschens first book, One Second Afterbut its hard to capture lightning in a bottle once, much less twice. So you should read this book, because unlike most prepper literature, which tends to be, um, not literature, this book both engrosses the reader and makes the

The bang-up conclusion to the EMP post-apocalyptic trilogyA thrilling and worthwhile conclusion to Mr. Forstchens John Matherson/EMP trilogy, with many neat plot twists that keep the reader guessing (especially about whether or not Mathersons ol Army buddy General Bob Scales is friend or foeno spoilers here!) and in suspense.p. 30: John could sense the inner sadness of this man who had been viewed as a crazy Jeremiah by some when he would publicly warn about the fragility of the nations


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