Palim Pariz
Taj katastrofično-fantastični roman o propasti velikoga "buržoaskog" grada odmah je po izlasku izazvao pravu buru u francuskoj prijestolnici. Napadi na autora dolazili su sa svih strana, a što je činilo dodatnu reklamu knjizi, pa je prva naklada od 140.000 primjeraka razgrabljena te je ubrzo slijedilo drugo izdanje u 220.000 primjeraka... no Francuzima je tada već puna beretka stranca koji pljuje po njihovoj časti i ugledu te mu ukidaju dozvolu boravka.
Na progon iz Francuske, sovjetske su vlasti odgovorile dobrodošlicom i Jasieński je u Moskvi dočekan uz brojne počasti, kao heroj. A onda slijedi naoko zbunjujući obrat, ali i, rekli bismo, priča tipična za eru staljinizma: Jasieński počinje stvarati na ruskom jeziku te postupno postaje socrealističkim piscem i jednim od glavnih propagatora režima, da bi na kraju skončao kao žrtva istog. Unatoč svem proturječju, Bruno Jasieński je odličan pisac koji dosad nije prevođen na hrvatski jezik.
This Futurist masterpiece... Definitely not an easy read, I would like to point out the beauty of the prose in it, a masterful control of the written word "and an ability to make even the most mundane, the most brutal and the most industrialized scenery seem beautiful."- it is truly a rarity. The fact that saddened me deeply was the knowledge that Jasienski still do not receive the recognition he had most certainly deserved, although it has been 91 years since the first publication.
When life gives you test tubes, head for the water treatment plant. Starts off like the social realism down-and-out type stuff from Orwell or Celine or whoever, but then goes off the wall when a plague reduces 1920s Paris into a bunch of competing factions: communists, the police, Chinese, Jews, Anglo-Americans, White Russians, all willing to go to extreme lengths for the last scrap of bread in the cordoned city. If I can be vulgar for a paragraph: this is what zombie movies aspire to and never
KOBOBOOKSReviewed by The Complete Review
When Jeanette told Pierre she needed some new slippers, Pierre was thrown into a state of crisis. They were not far from the factory where she worked, and not far from the factory where he worked, until lunch time that is when the foreman told him he was no longer needed. Pierres new found poverty quickly led to his side-lining in their group as his lack of money quickly marked him as a being without social worth, social networks, social relations, without value.From this one moment, with its
Progressivism and tolerance are facing pushback like weve not seen in the last thirty years; xenophobia threatens to tear nations apart; even the institution of democracy itself seems to be at risk. Whether you believe these things or not, they are unquestionably how many people are depicting the state of the world today. I Burn Paris, a book written nearly a century ago, speaks to these concerns, but more than that it does so with a great premise, well developed characters, and ambiguity that
a frantic fever dream of a novel
Bruno Jasieński
Paperback | Pages: 312 pages Rating: 4.01 | 236 Users | 33 Reviews
Define Out Of Books Palim Pariz
Title | : | Palim Pariz |
Author | : | Bruno Jasieński |
Book Format | : | Paperback |
Book Edition | : | First Edition |
Pages | : | Pages: 312 pages |
Published | : | March 2016 by Šareni dućan (first published 1929) |
Categories | : | Fiction. Cultural. Poland. Literature. Classics. European Literature. Polish Literature. France |
Chronicle To Books Palim Pariz
Književno djelo Brune Jasieńskog (1901.-1938.) jednog od najznačajnijih predstavnika poljske avangardne književnosti, kao i njegov životni put, od mladalačke opsjednutosti futurizmom, preko pariškog per aspera ad astra, do surove socrealističke zbilje staljinističke Rusije, i dan-danas izazivaju brojna proturječja. Proganjan od policije radi političkih uvjerenja i razočaran recepcijom svojih futurističko-avangardnih pjesama i priča, Bruno Jasieński 1925. odlazi u Pariz gdje četiri godine živi u bijedi i na rubu gladi. Povezuje se s francuskim komunistima, piše u raznim listovima, da bi 1929. bio protjeran iz Francuske zbog svojeg najpoznatijeg djela: "Palim Pariz".Taj katastrofično-fantastični roman o propasti velikoga "buržoaskog" grada odmah je po izlasku izazvao pravu buru u francuskoj prijestolnici. Napadi na autora dolazili su sa svih strana, a što je činilo dodatnu reklamu knjizi, pa je prva naklada od 140.000 primjeraka razgrabljena te je ubrzo slijedilo drugo izdanje u 220.000 primjeraka... no Francuzima je tada već puna beretka stranca koji pljuje po njihovoj časti i ugledu te mu ukidaju dozvolu boravka.
Na progon iz Francuske, sovjetske su vlasti odgovorile dobrodošlicom i Jasieński je u Moskvi dočekan uz brojne počasti, kao heroj. A onda slijedi naoko zbunjujući obrat, ali i, rekli bismo, priča tipična za eru staljinizma: Jasieński počinje stvarati na ruskom jeziku te postupno postaje socrealističkim piscem i jednim od glavnih propagatora režima, da bi na kraju skončao kao žrtva istog. Unatoč svem proturječju, Bruno Jasieński je odličan pisac koji dosad nije prevođen na hrvatski jezik.
Specify Books In Favor Of Palim Pariz
Original Title: | Palę Paryż ISBN13 9789533200958 |
Edition Language: | Croatian |
Setting: | Paris(France) |
Rating Out Of Books Palim Pariz
Ratings: 4.01 From 236 Users | 33 ReviewsComment On Out Of Books Palim Pariz
You can hear an in-depth discussion of Jasieński's 'I Burn Paris' on Sherds Podcast: Futurist masterpiece... Definitely not an easy read, I would like to point out the beauty of the prose in it, a masterful control of the written word "and an ability to make even the most mundane, the most brutal and the most industrialized scenery seem beautiful."- it is truly a rarity. The fact that saddened me deeply was the knowledge that Jasienski still do not receive the recognition he had most certainly deserved, although it has been 91 years since the first publication.
When life gives you test tubes, head for the water treatment plant. Starts off like the social realism down-and-out type stuff from Orwell or Celine or whoever, but then goes off the wall when a plague reduces 1920s Paris into a bunch of competing factions: communists, the police, Chinese, Jews, Anglo-Americans, White Russians, all willing to go to extreme lengths for the last scrap of bread in the cordoned city. If I can be vulgar for a paragraph: this is what zombie movies aspire to and never
KOBOBOOKSReviewed by The Complete Review
When Jeanette told Pierre she needed some new slippers, Pierre was thrown into a state of crisis. They were not far from the factory where she worked, and not far from the factory where he worked, until lunch time that is when the foreman told him he was no longer needed. Pierres new found poverty quickly led to his side-lining in their group as his lack of money quickly marked him as a being without social worth, social networks, social relations, without value.From this one moment, with its
Progressivism and tolerance are facing pushback like weve not seen in the last thirty years; xenophobia threatens to tear nations apart; even the institution of democracy itself seems to be at risk. Whether you believe these things or not, they are unquestionably how many people are depicting the state of the world today. I Burn Paris, a book written nearly a century ago, speaks to these concerns, but more than that it does so with a great premise, well developed characters, and ambiguity that
a frantic fever dream of a novel
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