Books Download Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija Free

Point Epithetical Books Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija

Title:Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija
Author:Yanis Varoufakis
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 200 pages
Published:2019 by Kitos knygos (first published 2013)
Categories:Nonfiction. Economics. Politics. History. Business. Philosophy
Books Download Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija  Free
Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija Hardcover | Pages: 200 pages
Rating: 4.07 | 6524 Users | 742 Reviews

Interpretation In Favor Of Books Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija

Tai vieno žymiausių ekonomistų prof. Yanio Varoufakio parašyta provokuojanti ir kritiška pasaulio ekonomikos analizė. Pasitelkęs senovės mitus, šiuolaikinės kultūros simbolius ir savo šeimos istorijas Varoufakis suprantamai, tarsi kalbėdamas su dukra, paaiškina, kaip veikia ekonomika, kaip ji vystėsi ir kodėl būtent šitaip. Autorius griauna vieną mitą apie po kito. Tai ekonomikos pagrindai ir kritinė kapitalizmo istorija išdėstyta kitaip nei esame pripratę skaityti vadovėliuose.

Y. Varoufakis tiki, kad ekonomikos supratimas – sėkmingai veikiančios demokratijos pagrindas. Visgi, akademinė ekonomikos sritis pilna žargono, suprantamo tik šios srities specialistams. Aiškinimuose dažnai naudojami sunkiai suvokiami pavyzdžiai, todėl pagrindinės ir svarbiausios ekonominės idėjos tampa nesuprantamos, o tuo pačiu ir neįdomios, paprastiems žmonėms, kurie su ekonomika neturi nieko bendro. Toks, galimai sąmoningas, specialistų elgesys jiems padeda skambiomis frazėmis patraukti mūsų dėmesį, tačiau ne tiek, kad pabandytumėme pasigilinti ir suprasti apie ką kalbama. Būtent todėl, rašydamas šią knygą, autorius profesionaliai bei paprastai supažindina su aktualiausiomis ekonominėmis temomis, svarbiausiomis teorijomis ir dažniausiai vartojamais terminais, visą tai įvilkdamas į ekonomikos vystymosi istoriją bei papildydamas nesunkiai suprantamais praktiniais pavyzdžiais.

Identify Books During Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija

Original Title: Μιλώντας στην κόρη μου για την οικονομία ISBN13 9786094273971
Edition Language: Lithuanian
Literary Awards: Waterstones Book of the Year Nominee (2017)

Rating Epithetical Books Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija
Ratings: 4.07 From 6524 Users | 742 Reviews

Write-Up Epithetical Books Pokalbis su dukra apie ekonomiką: trumpa kapitalizmo istorija
Yanis Varoufakis, the cheeky former Greek minister of finance and a saavy economics professor, delivers an explanatory book on modern capitalism for the non-academic, using a variety of examples from European history, Greek mythology, and pop culture to make his points. Varoufakis believes that understanding economics is key to a truly well-functioning democracy. Yet, the jargon-filled academic field of economics obscures important ideas in strange language and uses inane examples that make it

In this book, Varoufakis shows us how the growth of human civilization gave birth to the first systems of politically-legitimized inequality (and how ancient and feudal inequality, characterized by "societies with markets", gave way to a much different kind of world, that of the "market society", of capitalism, in which everyone is driven to, compelled to, sell their labour, and in which the only real value is "exchange value").Varoufakis also takes us on a tour of several key moments that truly

"If the economy is the engine of society and debt is its fuel, then labour is the spark, the life-breathing force that animates that engine, while money is the lubricant without which that engine would seize up"A buddy read with MayShort, sweet and concise. This book explains all the essentials that a simpleton such as yours truly has been confounded by over the years and has been too embarrassed to ask anyone about. Turns out most people don't have a fair idea about statements like " Central

A favorite, surpassing the sea of ECON101 books; the storytelling alone makes me revisit this. The most accessible introduction to "the market economy", unraveling this enigma while rooted in real-life concerns and historical/global scope...The Brilliant:--A flow of stories and thought-experiments bringing to life the big-picture logic and consequences of our global market economy, with zero jargon or formulas. You can supplement the rest elsewhere; the purpose here is to get you inspired to

Probably one of the best books ever written about the economy and the history of Capitalism (and to think that he finished writing it in only 9 days), the difference being that Varoufakis is not afraid to demystify and simplify his vocation whereas his colleagues have a egotistical tendency to make economic concepts sound more complicated than they actually are to attract more research funding. This is an absolute must read for every young person today, to understand what kind of a world we will

Without doubt, Yanis Varoufakis is a brilliant man. His book, "The Global Minotaur", was a much needed alternative vision on the state of the global economy. However, in his new book, using simple examples and some history lessons, Varoufakis tries to explain his vision in words that a teenager would understand. I agree on the starting point of the book, that many theories exist solely to legitimize the position of the ruling class and rationalize inequality. Yet, despite his obsessive

Two stars for "It was okay." What I liked: Varoufakis explains his understanding of the evolution of Capitalism briefly, clearly, and engagingly. A bright child really could read and grasp what he has written. That's well done and not easy to achieve.I am going to review this as if politics and economies are necessarily married to each other, because that is Varoufakis's belief and one which I completely agree with. Good luck trying to separate the two! He gives a very good explanation of


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